19 January 2011

My life, right now.

Remember a few months ago when I was whining about feeling like I had no purpose here in Calgary?  Well, I finally am beginning to feel at home here, and am excited about the months to come!

Eli and Silas are such a riot right now.  Silas is finally at an age where he and Eli are really starting to play.  Silas still refuses to talk, or sign, or do much besides point, nod and go "Uhhhh" with various inflections, which we try to interpret.  But, he is so stinking cute that we don't much mind.  He is terribly mischievous, and I spend most of my time at home trying to make sure that he doesn't destroy something else of my mom's.  I can't wait until he does start talking, because I'm sure he'll have a lot to say.  Together we are taking swimming lessons right now, and he is loving it. Eli is an absolute riot.  Where Silas lacks in communication skills, Eli makes up for it.  Today on our way out he asked, "Mommy, what's college?" I tried to explain and he said, "I want to go to college and be a lawyer just like daddy, but I want to go to college in our house.  Can you teach me college at home? I'm going to ask Andy about it, because he goes to college."  I don't know where he get's these things, but I sure love it.  He is taking a class at the YMCA with crafts, gym time, and a swimming lesson as well as an art class with the City of Calgary. It is fun to have him out and involved, and he loves it so much. 

This week Jared writes the last of his exams that will allow him to practice law in Canada!  That means that next week he can start looking for a job, and once the results are back, he can do what we have worked all these years for him to be able to do.  After four years we are ready to enter the next stage, and I am so incredibly proud of Jared for getting to this point.  Go, Jared, go!

In the life before I was a mommy I was a teacher. I always wanted to be a mommy, but I also loved being a teacher.  Not once have I wished to go back to that life, but every once in a while I wish I could stand in front of a group of teenagers again and impart something to them.  Today I got to do that!  I am teaching two classes of Speech Arts to Alice's homeschool group. It is actually quite perfect.  I teach for two hours every week while Eli and Silas play with the Russells. And I make a little money doing it.  There is literally no downside.  Today was a lot of fun, and I really think I'm going to enjoy it. The best part is, I get to teach Benny. I love teaching people I love.  I taught Phoebe when she was in grade 7, and it was a riot.  Benny is pretty rad, so I think it's going to be wonderful!

But, the most exciting thing going on in my life right now is my budding Doula business (for which I have yet to pick a name.) At this time I have three births lined up before summer, and I am so excited for each and every one. Honestly, I. LOVE. BIRTH.  I do.  I love that I get to help birthing women.  I love that I get to help women I love! Being asked to be a Doula at someone's birth is quite honestly such an honor to me, and I'm truly grateful to be able to do what I'm doing.  It is so exciting!  So, send your referrals, and your name suggestions my way, because I'm rearing to go.

It's nice to be excited about what's going on in my life.  I'm feeling like things are falling into place, and I am thrilled.  We are fixing up our Ranchlands house next week, and either finding a renter (prolonging our stay in the basement room) or moving in.  We'll see what the market is like.  Either way it gives us a chance to work on something, and I am excited to do it.   Life is good. There is lots to be grateful for.  I hope everyone else is feeling the same, because it's good to feel good!


  1. Do you have some cards or brochures for your doula business bc I can put them out at Elan?

  2. Yeah Jenny, sounds like you're busy! So excited that you're starting to feel at home :) I always admire how you seem so brave to just jump into stuff. I tend to get bogged down into the details and how will the boys do. They still don't want to be left for class at church or with other kids during ladies bible study, ugg. Way to go!


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