29 June 2010

Messy Party

Cousin Benny turned 9 this weekend, and for his party he had a Messy Party.  What little boy doesn't just love to throw food and get messy?  Okay, two of the boys weren't too into it, but the rest had an absolute blast!

What is a messy party, you may ask? Well, it starts something like this:

And if you add some whip cream, it turns into this.

Give the kids some Jell-O and it really begins to materialize.

Enter ketchup, you get this. 

Don't forget the cooked spaghetti, the carrots and peas, mashed potatoes, and even more whipped cream.

And before long, you will know just what a Messy Party is. 

Don't forget the cake.  Who needs plates and forks? (Come to think of it, that's how the Evanses have done it for years, and we didn't even call it messy!)

Honestly, a lot of fun was had!  And, the insects of the neighbourhood will be enjoying the party for weeks to come!


  1. I love the "Eli gets ketchup in the eye" pic.

  2. i am speechless!!! ali is a way better mom then me. i would hate to clean that mess up. fun tho.

  3. i have decided to throw a party exactly like this in ontario. except no one would show up. so it would just be me and tyler. and a really really big mess...


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