15 July 2012

Adventure Journal 2012 - Big Hill Springs

We normally spend Sunday afternoons as extended family at someone's house.  This particular Sunday was far too beautiful, and far too hot to spend indoors anywhere. So, after church, we all loaded up and drove to Big Hill Springs Provincial Park for a picnic. We agreed that never before had we been there when there was more than two or three other families, but on this day it was BUSY! It was hard just to find a spot in the shade to picnic. We managed, somehow. 

I'm not sure if any of the kids ate anything besides the rootbeer that Holly and Tyler brought.  They were having too much fun playing in the stream.  They got absolutely filthy, and my boys had to strip down before I even let them in the van, but it was so much fun, and way cooler than anywhere in the city would have been.


  1. I am probably about the only in Alberta wishing the HEAT back. Please oh please?!?! You have inspired me to take my family on some adventures this summer. Hooray!

  2. Filthy happy boys are so fun! I love the dirt smudged faces!


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