05 May 2010

The House that Jared Built

So, while we live in my parent's basement, we actually own two houses in town.  One very nice, very new condo, and another outdated but well loved house.  We lived in the house before our Michigan Adventures and rented out the basement to help pay the bills.  Since our departure from Alberta we have rented all three units and managed to stay in the black.  Yeah!

We happen to be between renters in the basement suite right now, and since Jared doesn't have a job (the reason why we're living in my parent's basement) we figured this is a good time to give the suite a much needed face lift, or a face replacement, really.

Let me just stop here to say that my dear Mr. Wiebe is incredible.  He has spent the last week an a half working from sun up to well past sun down tearing down and building up our modest little basement!  While I consider myself a pretty self sufficient woman, there is no way I could pull off what he has managed this week.

This is what we started with:

 Please take careful note of the carpeted kitchen.  Yum!

He tore out EVERYTHING.  With the help of my sister Alice, her husband Aaron, my nephew Benny and our friend Heidi we managed white wash the whole place on Saturday.  On Monday while we had the new flooring installed we spent WAY too many hours at IKEA picking up a new kitchen and several beautiful accessories. And today, with the Russell contingent helping again, we put things back together and began installing the kitchen.  As far as dark little basement suites go, I think this one is going to be pretty awesome.  Seriously!

Here's some pics of the current state of the basement:

 And Silas, for the first time in his life hung out in a play pen.  I was worried about the off-gassing of the new carpet, so when I wasn't wearing him I stuck him in the cage!  Well equipped with plenty of stuff to suck on, he didn't seem to mind.

New tenants move in on Monday, so this place HAS to be finished this weekend.  Final product pictures to follow, I promise!


  1. WOW! I can't wait to see the after pictures!

  2. oh wow things are looking good! cant wait to move in! and if everything isnt 100% done for us i am sure we will eventually forgive you.


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