Kay, Eli totally had a crush on this girl. Her name was Sara, and she spent a whole hour with Eli answering his every question. I loved her too. He'd ask, "What's that?" And she'd be straight up and give him the full name of whatever creature he was pointing at. Then he'd as "What's it do?" and she'd go into a full explanation of the life and times of said creature. He knows more about jelly fish and sea urchins than any other four year old I know. I think I'll write a letter to suggest Sara gets a raise.
This is a trick picture, for there are actually four kids in it. Behind each boy you see is his little brother. Can you see them?
We finished off a great day with dinner at the Coad's where they made a great "fruit cake" for Eli's birthday (it was the day before.) We went home and he declared that he "really liked having cousins here in Victoria, too."
Cute! (his last comment!)